Wednesday, May 30, 2012

167/365 - the stain of thought

Went on a hike through the woods at this nature center about five minutes from my house. It was lovely and foggy and very photogenic. :) It was very hard to pick one for today! haha. Not much else interesting has happened as of late....woooooo

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

166/365 - frightened & unsure

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I skipped two days. I was feeling uninspired and I felt like anything I created would be a lie. So...there's that. 

Does it look like I'm floating in this pic? That was kinda the point but I don't know if it really turned out quite right. Ah well. It looks quite similar to the way it did in my head and that's something. Also, I almost got hit by thunder taking this photo. Also, also, my neighbors pretty much think I am batsh!t hysteric crazy when I take photos in the yard like these ones. Or any ones for that matter. :P

I go to job training today at Barnes & Noble. EEP.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

165/365 - as i walked out one evening

My new favorite poem because it makes me feel ALL the things. A random accident picture I found on my memory card that has some admittedly awesome bokeh going on in the top left corner there. 

SO. I pretty much took the day off...I read an entire book (almost, I have like 50 pages left which I shall finish soon) and made banana bread and was generally very lazy. Having free time is strange after having none at all for a very long time.

Friday, May 25, 2012

163/365 - stories & wreckage

I love this quote. I don't even know why I just love it. Ummmm so I got a job at Barnes & Noble. WOO. School is now over for now...I just have to finish this #&@*& essay and then it is OVER and I can have my brain back. Hell to the yeahhhh. 

I am lame. :p

Thursday, May 24, 2012

163/365 - lovers & sunlight

See that sun flare right there in the middle? That's all natural, baby. >:) I'm so proud of's kind of ridiculous. I seriously can't think of anything else to can that be?!? Oh, yeah, because my brain had been reduced to vegetable state due to all the work I've done the last three weeks for school. IT IS ALMOST OVER. I just have to write one more essay and then it is over. I am very pleased about that. The being over part, I mean. Not the essay. I want to punch the essay in the FACE.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

162/365 - gutter

Trying something a little bit different today. Woo! I am actually quite pleased with how this one turned out. I don't have any other news ... except that class is almost over (2 days!) and that is joyous.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

161/365 - plot & cast

This is a study in purple. Because apparently I have Sherlock Holmes on the brain (A Study in Scarlet-- get it?) Lol I think I've really lost it this time. :P

The end is SO CLOSE for this first summer class. I will be so glad when it's over. My brain hurts. In other news, I bought Scrivener today-- word processing software that will hopefully help me be more organized in my writing. Supposedly.

Also, I've had Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" stuck in my head ALL DAY. What is it with her songs that they just get stuck in my head for days on end? Gahhhh

Umm so I have some homework that I should probably be doing. Yeah wooo here I go.

Monday, May 21, 2012

160/365 - learn & listen

I've begun to realize that this is true. 

Today started out bad but ended up good. YAY. :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

158/365 - lovely dark & deep

It occurs to me that this is terribly cliche. Ah well. I have to finish my essay and finish a book for tomorrow.....damn.

ONE MORE WEEK. And then I'm on vacation for a month. :o)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

157/365 - chaos & dancing

I seem to take a lot of pictures of my legs. I don't know what that says about me. First draft of my essay done, brought to you by Bribery and Coercion, a writer's best friends. (Seriously-- I told myself, "self, if you finish this draft, you can go make cookie dough and take your picture today.") That's how you GET SH!T DONE, YO.

Friday, May 18, 2012

156/365 - location

Oldoldold outtake from our family trip to Seattle 2 years ago, with new words from a song I'm kind of in love with right now... Hmm so one week until this term is over and then I have about 5 weeks off in which I am doing a glorious nothing, except going to Florida for a week. And (still) trying to find a job, probably.

I'm having some serious focusing issues right now... yet I have to write an essay that's due Monday and I should probably work on it tonight at least a little. wooooo

Also-- yesterday I updated the header/ title of the site...I have no idea why, other than it was something to do while I procrastinated doing my homework. Yeah....

Thursday, May 17, 2012

155/365 - leaving the past

Wooo I took a picture today! I mean, it's a miracle that I even got out of bed, much less went to class and did my homework. So consider this my gift to the world.

Umm so anyway...I still don't have any news to report because literally the only thing I've been doing is going to school, eating, and breathing. Sometimes sleeping, although sleep is for the weak.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

154/365 - worthwhile

I enjoy how you can't tell whether or not I'm facing forward or backward. Quite frankly even I don't remember. I don't even know what the hell day it is. I've spent more time on Victorian literature than personal hygiene in the last two weeks, which should be a good testament to the scattered nature of my brain right now. Also, I think I missed yesterday? And maybe the day before? See? I have no idea what's going on anymore. *headdesk*

Monday, May 14, 2012

153/365 - supernatural & nature


So. Much. Work. To do.

Someday I will take cool pictures again.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

152/365 - heroes & burdens

Outtake from theotherday...I was busy and plus it rained literally all I didn't manage to take a pic. I have a headache and I have to finish reading this book's going to be a latelatelate night. blargharghackignasdfsnlkfdadfdghgfds

Saturday, May 12, 2012

151/365 - there is a field

OMFG WORST 365 PROJECT PARTICIPANT EVER. Srsly. I missed two days! Because this class...this class is eating my life. I'm not even kidding. You think I am, I'm supposed to be reading a book and writing an essay this weekend and yet-- here I am, doing photography shizz. Umm so I can't think of anything else coherent to type here so this is farewell, oh strange marmosets. Farewell.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

150/365 - reason & love

Er, sorry, but I can't even stop to BREATHE because I have so much damn reading to do for this lit class I'm taking. brb going to read my eyes out kthxbye.

No, seriously -- tonight I have to read just over a hundred pages in one novel, and then peruse some articles/ essays. FML.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

149/365 - birds & stars

This is rather lame and also a picture I took the other day because a). I had a very busy morning and then b). a very busy afternoon wherein my summer class decided to EAT MY LIFE ALIVE. I'm still not through with all the reading, which I will have to continue tomorrow morning. Damn. I would add something more interesting here, but as all I've done in the past two days revolves around school, alas-- I have nothing more interesting to say. Except that the piece we're reading now about the Congo involves the severing of hands. Which, hello, nightmares! Thank you, Mr. Doyle. Thank you.

Monday, May 7, 2012

147/365 - truth & doubt

So remember that time I said I'd had the worst day of my life? I was TOTALLY FRIGGIN' KIDDING, because today was  so much worse it's almost funny. I mean, it's seriously a wonder that I'm not huddled in a corner somewhere crying, to be quite honest. But no details. I'm still too traumatized to even speak about it.

Let's talk about GOOD THINGS now. Like how much I love today's photo. How 'bout that bokeh?! And that awesome morning light?!?!?! FRIGGIN' YEAH. Okay. I've used the term FRIGGIN' two -- now technically three -- times in this post. I think it's time for me to go before I hurt myself. Or someone else. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

147/365 - not falling apart

ACK. I forgot yesterday's pic because it was Derby and I was busy doing All The Things. Blargh. Well, anywho.......Today was pretty boring...scouted out my parking situation for my summer school classes & had lunch with my parents. And now I'm sitting here, contemplating whether or not I should read INSURGENT or actually do some work. I think INSURGENT is going to win. :P

Thursday, May 3, 2012

145/365 - untitled

Today I did something I regretted.

Sometimes I'm afraid that no one will ever understand even just the left-of-center version of myself that I present to the world. But I'm more afraid that the other side of me will never be understood -- the girl who lives in her head like a hermit and craves shadows and hiding places. Sometimes even I don't even understand her. Why is she so afraid to feel things?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

144/365 - end up as a book

Got my copy of INSURGENT (pictured above) yesterday. This is the sequel to the amazing DIVERGENT. Can't wait to read this one . . . I'm bribing myself with it-- if I make it through my last 2 finals and study like a good little student, I get to devour this puppy. Meanwhile, I can still drool over its beautiful packaging and insides. *pets the pretty book*

Ahem. Anyway. Soooo I got an email from my professor for my first summer class that starts next week. I'm already banging my head against the wall. BUT at least it's only one class so I can really focus on the work and the reading and the writing and whatnot (it's a lit class) since I'll have nothing else to do......I need a vacation like whoa. I cannot wait for June!!!! So far. *dies*

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

143/365 - fairytales & dragons

It was perfectly and wonderfully foggy this morning...great for pictures! Took my English final and ran some I'm sitting around watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer, eating cookie dough, and studying for my remaining two finals. WILD AND CRAZY, I say.